F.A.R.M. Club 












The next meeting will be on Sunday August 3rd. at 6:00 at the Warren County

fairgrounds. Remember this is our next to last meeting before our show in September.

Please try to attend these meetings! Our show will be here before we know it!


Thanks to all who participated in the July parades, Corwin show and Sharonville show.


Congratulations to the winners of the fair pulls and those who won ribbons on their equipment,

crafts and etc.


A huge Thank- you to everyone who worked the figure eight and the pulls this year.

We had a very good turn out.


Chris Rolke has started a site on the club web site about club members. He would like for

members to send pictures and a little history of their tractors to him. You may send by mail or email.


Jerry Collins would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and phone calls. His surgery

went well with good news. He says he plans to be around for a long time!!



August 2nd. And 3rd. –Clermont Ct. Antique Machinery Club Show at Stonelick State Park.

August 7th. – Aug. 10th. – Show at Georgetown , Ohio

August 30th. –August 31st. –Tractor show at Waynesville Airport



This year the F.A.R.M. club will try a swap meet/flea market area as a fund raiser.

An area will be fenced off and attended by club members. Anyone with items to sell

can place the items in the swap meet area and club members will collect the money for you.

You do not have to stay with your items. The club will keep 10% of the sale price as a commission.

Maximum commission will be $50.00 on any one item such as a tractor , larger equipment etc.

We will accept tractors, parts, mowers, weed eaters, tools and just about anything saleable.

For questions or more info call Gene Bustle (513-899-3008) home, (513-646-6397) cell.

Or Kent Hurrt at (513-932-3614) home or (513-218-3326) cell.

Unsold items will be auctioned at 12:00 noon Sunday with the farm club still keeping

10% commission. Unsold items must be removed from the swap meet

area prior to the auction. Absolutely no items to be left at Oeders Lake.

Abandoned items will be trashed on Monday.


If you have any questions please contact one of our directors:

Walter Biggs,Sr. -513-932-7332-wdbiggs@earthlink.net

Glenn Williams-513-398-6739-gwilliams40@cinci.rr.com

Jerry Collins-513-932-2486

Visit our website at – WWW.Thefarmclub.org


Hope to see you at the meeting!

Sandy Hale, secretary- hshale806@aol.com